リージョンデモ          <TOP>


CreateRoundRectRgn 角の丸い長方形のリージョンを作成

CreateEllipticRgnIndirect 指定の領域をウィンドウ領域として設定

SetWindowRgn 指定の領域をウィンドウ領域として設定

DeleteObject ペン、ブラシ、フォント、ビットマップ、リージョン、パレットのいずれかの論理オブジェクトを削除

FillRgn 指定のブラシで領域を塗りつぶす

CreatePolygonRgn 多角形のリージョンを作成

CreatePolyPolygonRgn 複数の多角形を組み合わせて、一つの多角形領域を作成

GetWindowRect ウィンドウの座標をスクリーン座標系で取得

CreateRectRgnIndirect 矩形領域をRECT構造体に基づいて作成

InflateRect RECT構造体の座標値を拡大・縮小

CopyRect RECT構造体の座標値を別のRECT構造体にコピー

EqualRgn 指定した2つの領域が等しいかどうか判定

SetRect RECT構造体の値を設定

SetRectRgn 既存の領域を矩形の領域に変更

InvertRgn 指定された領域の色を反転

FrameRgn 指定の領域の周囲に指定のブラシで境界線を描く

CreateHatchBrush ハッチパターンの論理ブラシを作成

OffsetRgn 領域を移動

GetDC デバイスコンテキストのハンドルを取得

ReleaseDC デバイスコンテキストを解放



'= リージョンデモ
'=    (Region.bas)
#include "Windows.bi"

    x As Long
    y As Long
End Type

    left   As Long
    top    As Long
    right  As Long
    bottom As Long
End Type

    dwSize   As Long
    iType    As Long
    nCount   As Long
    nRgnSize As Long
    rcBound  As RECT
End Type

    Buffer As Byte
End Type

' 角の丸い長方形のリージョンを作成
Declare Function Api_CreateRoundRectRgn& Lib "gdi32" Alias "CreateRoundRectRgn" (ByVal nLeftRect&, ByVal nTopRect&, ByVal nRightRect&, ByVal nBottomRect&, ByVal nWidthEllipse&, ByVal nHeightEllipse&)

' 指定の領域をウィンドウ領域として設定
Declare Function Api_CreateEllipticRgnIndirect& Lib "gdi32" Alias "CreateEllipticRgnIndirect" (lpRect As RECT)

' 指定の領域をウィンドウ領域として設定
Declare Function Api_SetWindowRgn& Lib "user32" Alias "SetWindowRgn" (ByVal hWnd&, ByVal hRgn&, ByVal bRedraw&)

' ペン、ブラシ、フォント、ビットマップ、リージョン、パレットのいずれかの論理オブジェクトを削除し、そのオブジェクトに関連付けられていたすべてのシステムリソースを解放。オブジェクトを削除した後は、指定されたハンドルは無効になる
Declare Function Api_DeleteObject& Lib "gdi32" Alias "DeleteObject" (ByVal hObject&)

' 指定のブラシで領域を塗りつぶす
Declare Function Api_FillRgn& Lib "gdi32" Alias "FillRgn" (ByVal hDC&, ByVal hRgn&, ByVal hBrush&)

' 多角形のリージョンを作成
Declare Function Api_CreatePolygonRgn& Lib "gdi32" Alias "CreatePolygonRgn" (lppt As POINTAPI, ByVal nCount&, ByVal nPolyFillMode&)

' 複数の多角形を組み合わせて、一つの多角形領域を作成する
Declare Function Api_CreatePolyPolygonRgn& Lib "gdi32" Alias "CreatePolyPolygonRgn" (ByRef lpPoint As POINTAPI, ByRef lpPolyCounts&, ByVal nCount&, ByVal nPolyFillMode&)

' ウィンドウの座標をスクリーン座標系で取得
Declare Function Api_GetWindowRect& Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowRect" (ByVal hWnd&, lpRect As RECT)

' 矩形領域をRECT構造体に基づいて作成
Declare Function Api_CreateRectRgnIndirect& Lib "gdi32" Alias "CreateRectRgnIndirect" (lpRect As RECT)

' RECT構造体の座標値を拡大・縮小
Declare Function Api_InflateRect& Lib "user32" Alias "InflateRect" (lpRect As RECT, ByVal x&, ByVal y&)

' RECT構造体の座標値を別のRECT構造体にコピー
Declare Function Api_CopyRect& Lib "user32" Alias "CopyRect" (lpDestRect As RECT, lpSourceRect As RECT)

' 指定した2つの領域が等しいかどうか判定
Declare Function Api_EqualRgn& Lib "gdi32" Alias "EqualRgn" (ByVal hSrcRgn1&, ByVal hSrcRgn2&)

' RECT構造体の値を設定
Declare Function Api_SetRect& Lib "user32" Alias "SetRect" (lpRect As RECT, ByVal X1&, ByVal Y1&, ByVal X2&, ByVal Y2&)

' 既存の領域を矩形の領域に変更
Declare Function Api_SetRectRgn& Lib "gdi32" Alias "SetRectRgn" (ByVal hRgn&, ByVal X1&, ByVal Y1&, ByVal X2&, ByVal Y2&)

' 指定された領域の色を反転
Declare Function Api_InvertRgn& Lib "gdi32" Alias "InvertRgn" (ByVal hDC&, ByVal hRgn&)

' 指定の領域の周囲に指定のブラシで境界線を描く
Declare Function Api_FrameRgn& Lib "gdi32" Alias "FrameRgn" (ByVal hDC&, ByVal hRgn&, ByVal hBrush&, ByVal nWidth&, ByVal nHeight&)

' ハッチパターンの論理ブラシを作成
Declare Function Api_CreateHatchBrush& Lib "gdi32" Alias "CreateHatchBrush" (ByVal nIndex&, ByVal crColor&)
' 領域を移動
Declare Function Api_OffsetRgn& Lib "gdi32" Alias "OffsetRgn" (ByVal hRgn&, ByVal x&, ByVal y&)

' 指定されたウィンドウのクライアント領域または画面全体を表すディスプレイデバイスコンテキストのハンドルを取得
Declare Function Api_GetDC& Lib "user32" Alias "GetDC" (ByVal hWnd&)

' デバイスコンテキストを解放
Declare Function Api_ReleaseDC& Lib "user32" Alias "ReleaseDC" (ByVal hWnd&, ByVal hDC&)

#define HS_BDIAGONAL 3                  '斜線(左上-右下)
#define HS_CROSS 4                      '水平と垂直クロスハッチ
#define HS_DIAGCROSS 5                  '45度のクロスハッチ
#define HS_FDIAGONAL 2                  '45度下向きのハッチ(左から右へ)
#define HS_HORIZONTAL 0                 '水平ハッチ
#define HS_VERTICAL 1                   '垂直ハッチ

#define ALTERNATE 1
#define WINDING 2

#define ERROR 0
#define NULLREGION 1

Var Shared Timer1 As Object
Var Shared Picture1 As Object
Var Shared Button1 As Object
Var Shared Bitmap As Object

Timer1.Attach GetDlgItem("Timer1")
Picture1.Attach GetDlgItem("Picture1")
Button1.Attach GetDlgItem("Button1") : Button1.SetFontSize 14
BitmapObject Bitmap

Var Shared NextOp As Long
Var Shared hRgn As Long
Var Shared Ret As Long

Var Shared WndRect As RECT
Var Shared TmpRect As RECT
Var Shared FLG As Integer

Declare Sub MainForm_Start edecl ()
Sub MainForm_Start()
    Button1.SetWindowText "デモ開始"

    Bitmap.LoadFile "FlowerZ.bmp"
    Picture1.StretchBitmap Bitmap, 0, 0, Picture1.GetWidth, Picture1.GetHeight

    Timer1.SetInterval 200
    Timer1.Enable 0

    'Get Rectangle cordinates of picturebox and set Rectangle
    Ret = Api_GetWindowRect(Picture1.GethWnd, WndRect)
    Ret = Api_SetRect(WndRect, 0, 0, WndRect.right - WndRect.left, WndRect.bottom - WndRect.top)
End Sub

Declare Sub Button1_on edecl ()
Sub Button1_on()
    FLG = 1 - FLG

    If FLG = 0 Then
        Timer1.Enable 0
        Button1.SetWindowText "デモ開始"
        Timer1.Enable -1
        Button1.SetWindowText "デモ停止"
    End If
End Sub

Declare Sub RectFromAnyRgnDemo edecl ()
Sub RectFromAnyRgnDemo()
    hRgn = Api_CreateEllipticRgnIndirect(WndRect)
    SetWindowText "いろいろな領域から矩形領域に変換"

    '(0, 0)-(100, 100)の領域を設定
    Ret = Api_SetRectRgn(hRgn, 0, 0, 100, 100)
End Sub

'= Elliptic region
Declare Sub ElliRgnDemo edecl ()
Sub ElliRgnDemo()
    hRgn = Api_CreateEllipticRgnIndirect(WndRect)

    If DoInvert Then
        SetWindowText "Elliptic Region【With Invert】"
        SetWindowText "Elliptic Region"
    End If
End Sub

'= Polygonal region
Declare Sub PolyRgnDemo edecl ()
Sub PolyRgnDemo()
    Var PolyPoints(2) As POINTAPI

    PolyPoints(0).x = 0
    PolyPoints(0).y = 0

    PolyPoints(1).x = WndRect.right
    PolyPoints(1).y = 0

    PolyPoints(2).x = WndRect.right / 2
    PolyPoints(2).y = WndRect.bottom

    hRgn = Api_CreatePolygonRgn(PolyPoints(0), 3, WINDING)

    SetWindowText "Polygon Region"
End Sub

'= Multiple Polygonal (PolyPoly) region
Declare Sub MultiPolyRgnDemo edecl ()
Sub MultiPolyRgnDemo()
    Var PolyPoints(5) As POINTAPI
    Var FigurePtCnts(1) As Long

    PolyPoints(0).x = 0
    PolyPoints(0).y = 100

    PolyPoints(1).x = 50
    PolyPoints(1).y = 0

    PolyPoints(2).x = 150
    PolyPoints(2).y = 200

    FigurePtCnts(0) = 3

    PolyPoints(3).x = 150
    PolyPoints(3).y = 0

    PolyPoints(4).x = 200
    PolyPoints(4).y = 100

    PolyPoints(5).x = 50
    PolyPoints(5).y = 200

    FigurePtCnts(1) = 3

    hRgn = Api_CreatePolyPolygonRgn(PolyPoints(0), FigurePtCnts(0), 2, WINDING)

    SetWindowText"Multi Polygon Region"
End Sub

'= Multiple Polygonal (PolyPoly) region
Declare Sub RoundRectRgnDemo edecl ()
Sub RoundRectRgnDemo()
    hRgn = Api_CreateRoundRectRgn(WndRect.left, WndRect.top, WndRect.right, WndRect.bottom, 50, 50)
   SetWindowText "Rounded Rectangle Region"
End Sub

'= Inflate (Resize) the Rect and create Rectangle region
Declare Sub ResizeRectRgnDemo edecl ()
Sub ResizeRectRgnDemo()
    Ret = Api_CopyRect(TmpRect, WndRect)
    Ret = Api_InflateRect(TmpRect, -50, -50)    'Reduce rect by 50 pix from each side

    hRgn = Api_CreateRectRgnIndirect(TmpRect)
    SetWindowText "Resized Rectangle Region"
End Sub

'= Rectangle region
Declare Sub RectRgnDemo edecl ()
Sub RectRgnDemo()
    hRgn = Api_CreateRectRgnIndirect(WndRect)
    SetWindowText "Rectangle Region"
End Sub

'= Fill and Invert Region Demo(1=Fill, 2=Invert, 3=Frame, 4=offset)
Declare Sub MiscRgnOperationDemo (OpCode As Integer)
Sub MiscRgnOperationDemo(OpCode As Integer)
    Var hBrush As Long
    Var hDC As Long

    hDC = Api_GetDC(Picture1.GethWnd)

    hRgn = Api_CreateEllipticRgnIndirect(WndRect)
    SetWindowText "色々なオペレーションデモ"

    hBrush = Api_CreateHatchBrush(HS_FDIAGONAL, RGB(0, 255, 0))

    If OpCode = 1 Then
        Ret = Api_FillRgn(hDC, hRgn, hBrush)
        SetWindowText GetWindowText & "【Fill】"
    End If

    If OpCode = 2 Then
        Ret = Api_InvertRgn(hDC, hRgn)
        SetWindowText GetWindowText & "【Invert】"
    End If

    If OpCode = 3 Then
        Ret = Api_FrameRgn(hDC, hRgn, hBrush, 5, 5)     '10x10 brush
        SetWindowText GetWindowText & "【Frame】"
    End If
    If OpCode = 4 Then
        Ret = Api_OffsetRgn(hRgn, 25, 25)               'Move region by x=50 y=50 pix
        SetWindowText GetWindowText & "【Offset】"
    End If
    Ret = Api_DeleteObject(hBrush)
End Sub

Declare Sub Timer1_Timer edecl ()
Sub Timer1_Timer()
    NextOp = NextOp + 1

    Select Case NextOp
        Case 1
        Case 2
        Case 3
        Case 4
        Case 5
        Case 6
        Case 7
        Case 8
        Case 9
        Case 10
        Case 10
        Case 11
            Ret = Api_SetWindowRgn(Picture1.GethWnd, 0, True)    'Reset region
            SetWindowText "領域設定無し"
            NextOp = 0
    End Select

    Ret = Api_SetWindowRgn(Picture1.GethWnd, hRgn, True)

    If hRgn <> 0 Then
        Ret = Api_DeleteObject(hRgn)
    End If
End Sub

Declare Sub MainForm_QueryClose edecl ()
Sub MainForm_QueryClose()
    If hRgn <> 0 Then
        Ret = Api_DeleteObject(hRgn)
        Ret = Api_ReleaseDC(Picture1.GethWnd, hDC)
    End If
End Sub

While 1