グラデーションで塗り潰し(V) <TOP>
'================================================================ '= グラデーションで塗りつぶす '= (GradientFill.bas) '================================================================ #include "Windows.bi" #define GRADIENT_FILL_RECT_H &H0 '水平方向にグラデーション #define GRADIENT_FILL_RECT_V &H1 '垂直方向にグラデーション #define GRADIENT_FILL_TRIANGLE &H2 '三角形グラデーション #define vbRed &H0000FF '赤のカラーコード #define vbBlack &H000000 '黒のカラーコード Type TRIVERTEX x As Long Y As Long Red As Integer Green As Integer Blue As Integer Alpha As Integer End Type Type GRADIENT_RECT UpperLeft As Long LowerRight As Long End Type ' 矩形、または三角形の内部をグラデーションで塗りつぶす Declare Function Api_GradientFill& Lib "msimg32" Alias "GradientFill" (ByVal hDC&, pVertex As Any, ByVal dwNumVertex&, pMesh As Any, ByVal dwNumMesh&, ByVal dwMode&) ' 指定されたウィンドウのデバイスコンテキストのハンドルを取得 Declare Function Api_GetDC& Lib "user32" Alias "GetDC" (ByVal hWnd&) ' デバイスコンテキストを解放 Declare Function Api_ReleaseDC& Lib "user32" Alias "ReleaseDC" (ByVal hWnd&, ByVal hDC&) Var Shared GraFillDirection As Long Var Shared hDC As long Var Shared Button1 As Object Button1.Attach GetDlgItem("Button1") : Button1.SetFontSize 14 '================================================================ '= '================================================================ Declare Sub MainForm_Start edecl () Sub mainForm_Start() hDC = Api_GetDC(GethWnd) End Sub '================================================================ '= '================================================================ Declare Function LongToShort(Unsigned As Long) As Integer Function LongToShort(Unsigned As Long) As Integer If Unsigned < 32768 Then LongToShort = CInt(Unsigned) Else LongToShort = CInt(Unsigned - &H10000) End If End Function '================================================================ '= '================================================================ Declare Sub DrawGradientFill(ByVal Col1 As Long, ByVal Col2 As Long) Sub DrawGradientFill(ByVal Col1 As Long, ByVal Col2 As Long) Var vert(1) As TRIVERTEX Var grc As GRADIENT_RECT '左上 vert(0).x = 0 vert(0).y = 0 vert(0).Red = LongToShort((Col1 And &HFF) * 256) vert(0).Green = LongToShort(((Col1 And &HFF00) \ &H100) * 256) vert(0).Blue = LongToShort(((Col1 And &HFF0000) \ &H10000) * 256) vert(0).Alpha = 0 '右下 vert(1).x = GetWidth vert(1).y = GetHeight vert(1).Red = LongToShort((Col2 And &HFF) * 256) vert(1).Green = LongToShort(((Col2 And &HFF00) \ &H100) * 256) vert(1).Blue = LongToShort(((Col2 And &HFF0000) \ &H10000) * 256) vert(1).Alpha = 0 grc.LowerRight = 0 grc.UpperLeft = 1 Cls Ret = Api_GradientFill(hDC, vert(0), 2, grc, 1, Abs(GraFillDirection)) End Sub '================================================================ '= '================================================================ Declare Sub Button1_on edecl () Sub Button1_on() Var Ret As Long '切替 GraFillDirection = Not GraFillDirection DrawGradientFill vbRed, vbBlack End Sub '================================================================ '= '================================================================ Declare Sub MainForm_Resize edecl () Sub MainForm_Resize() Var Ret As Long DrawGradientFill vbRed, vbBlack End Sub '================================================================ '= '================================================================ Declare Sub MainForm_QueryClose edecl () Sub MainForm_QueryClose() Var Ret As Long Ret = Api_ReleaseDC(gethWnd, hDC) End Sub '================================================================ '= '================================================================ While 1 WaitEvent Wend Stop End