ディスクの空き容量を取得(T) <TOP>
GetLogicalDrives 利用可能ディスクドライブ取得
GetDiskFreeSpace 指定のディレクトリを含むディスクの空き容量を調べる
WindowsXPでの例 プロパティで確認
Windows2000での例 プロパティで確認
'================================================================ '= ディスクの空き容量を取得(Window2000/WindowXP) '= (GetDiskFreeSpace.bas) '================================================================ #include "Windows.bi" ' 利用可能ディスクドライブ取得 Declare Function Api_GetLogicalDrives& Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetLogicalDrives" () ' 指定のディレクトリを含むディスクの空き容量を調べる Declare Function Api_GetDiskFreeSpace& Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetDiskFreeSpaceA" (ByVal lpRootPathName$, lpSecPerCluster&, lpBytesPerSector&, lpNumberOfFreeCs&, lpTotalNumberOfClusters&) Var Shared Combo1 As Object Var Shared Text(7) As Object Var Shared Picture1 As Object Combo1.Attach GetDlgItem("Combo1") : Combo1.SetFontSize 14 Picture1.Attach GetDlgItem("Picture1") For i = 0 To 7 Text(i).Attach GetDlgItem("Text" & Trim$(Str$(i + 1))) Text(i).SetFontSize 14 Next Var Shared Drive As String '================================================================ '= '================================================================ Declare Sub MainForm_Start edecl () Sub MainForm_Start() Drives = Api_GetLogicalDrives() '利用可能なディスクドライブ取得 If Drives = 0 Then Exit Sub '関数の失敗 For i = 0 To 25 'A〜Zドライブを検索する If (Drives And 1) = 1 Then Drive = Chr$(65 + i) 'ドライブ名(A〜Z)に変換 Drive = Drive & ":\" Combo1.AddString Drive End If Drives = Drives \ 2 'ドライブ検索 Next i End Sub '================================================================ '= '================================================================ Declare Sub Combo1_Change edecl () Sub Combo1_Change() Var Sector As Long Var Bytes As Long Var FreeC As Long Var TotalC As Long Var Ret As Long 'ドライブ名取得 Drive = Left$(Combo1.GetText(Combo1.GetCursel), 3) Ret = Api_GetDiskFreeSpace(Drive, Sector, Bytes, FreeC, TotalC) If RET <> 0 Then '総容量 = 総クラスタ数 * クラスタ当たりのセクタ数 * セクタ当たりのバイト数 Text(4).SetWindowText Format$(TotalC / 1000000 * Sector * Bytes, "###,###.##") '使用容量 = 総容量 - 空き容量 Text(5).SetWindowText Format$((TotalC / 1000000 * Sector * Bytes) - (FreeC / 1000000 * Sector * Bytes), "###,###.##") '空き容量 = 空きクラスタ数 * クラスタ当たりのセクタ数 * セクタ当たりのバイト数 Text(6).SetWindowText Format$(FREEC / 1000000 * Sector * Bytes, "###,###.##") '空き容量のパーセンテージ Text(7).SetWindowText Format$((FreeC / 1000000 * Sector * Bytes) / (TotalC / 1000000 * Sector * Bytes) * 100, "##.##") 'グラフ作成 Picture1.Cls Picture1.Connect(0, Picture1.GetHeight - 3) - (Picture1.GetWidth - 3, Picture1.GetHeight - 3) - (Picture1.Getwidth - 3, 0), 15 Picture1.Line(2, 1) - ((FreeC / 1000000 * Sector * Bytes) / (TotalC / 1000000 * Sector * Bytes) * Picture1.GetWidth , Picture1.GetHeight - 4), , 7, bf Picture1.Line((FreeC / 1000000 * Sector * Bytes) / (TotalC / 1000000 * Sector * Bytes) * Picture1.GetWidth + 1, 1) - (Picture1.Getwidth - 4, Picture1.GetHeight - 4), , 3, bf Else For i = 4 To 7 Text(i).SetWindowText "" Next Picture1.Cls End If End Sub '================================================================ '= '================================================================ Declare Function GetTotalSpace(Drive As String) As Single Function GetTotalSpace(Drive As String) As Single Var SectorPerCluster As Long Var BytePerCluster As Long Var FreeC As Long Var TotalC As Long If Api_GetDiskFreeSpace(Drive, SectorPerCluster, BytePerCluster, FreeC, TotalC) = 0 Then GetTotalSpace = 0 Else GetTotalSpace = ((TotalC / 1000000) * SectorPerCluster * BytePerCluster) End If End Function '================================================================ '= '================================================================ Declare Function GetFreeSpace(Drive As String) As Single Function GetFreeSpace(Drive As String) As Single Var SectorPerCluster As Long Var BytePerCluster As Long Var FreeC As Long Var TotalC As Long If Api_GetDiskFreeSpace(Drive, SectorPerCluster, BytePerCluster, FreeC, TotalC) = 0 Then GetFreeSpace = 0 Else GetFreeSpace = ((FreeC / 1000000) * SectorPerCluster * BytePerCluster) End If End Function '================================================================ '= '================================================================ While 1 WaitEvent Wend Stop End