画像を回転させる(V) <TOP>
GetPixel 指定された座標のピクセルのRGB値を取得
SetPixel 指定した座標に点を配置する
GetDC デバイスコンテキストを取得
ReleaseDC デバイスコンテキストの解放
'================================================================ '= 画像を回転させる(V) '= (SetPixel2.bas) '================================================================ #include "Windows.bi" ' 指定された座標のピクセルのRGB値を取得 Declare Function Api_GetPixel& Lib "gdi32" Alias "GetPixel" (ByVal hDc&, ByVal X&, ByVal Y&) ' 指定した座標に点を配置する Declare Function Api_SetPixel& Lib "gdi32" Alias "SetPixel" (ByVal hDc&, ByVal X&, ByVal Y&, ByVal crColor&) ' 指定されたウィンドウのデバイスコンテキストのハンドルを取得 Declare Function Api_GetDC& Lib "user32" Alias "GetDC" (ByVal hWnd&) ' デバイスコンテキストを解放 Declare Function Api_ReleaseDC& Lib "user32" Alias "ReleaseDC" (ByVal hWnd&, ByVal hDc&) Var Shared Text1 As Object Var Shared Edit1 As Object Var Shared Picture1 As Object Var Shared Picture2 As Object Var Shared Button1 As Object Text1.Attach GetDlgItem("Text1") : Text1.SetFontSize 14 Edit1.Attach GetDlgItem("Edit1") : Edit1.SetFontSize 14 Picture1.Attach GetDlgItem("Picture1") Picture2.Attach GetDlgItem("Picture2") Button1.Attach GetDlgItem("Button1") : Button1.SetFontSize 14 Var Shared Bitmap As Object BitmapObject Bitmap Var Shared pi As Double Var Shared hDc1 As Long Var Shared hDc2 As Long '================================================================ '= '================================================================ Declare Sub MainForm_Start edecl () Sub MainForm_Start() pi = 3.14159265358979 Bitmap.LoadFile "flower.bmp" Picture1.DrawBitmap Bitmap, 0, 0 Bitmap.DeleteObject hDc1 = Api_GetDC(Picture1.GethWnd) hDc2 = Api_GetDC(Picture2.GethWnd) End Sub '================================================================ '= '================================================================ Declare Sub Button1_on edecl () Sub Button1_on() Var px As Integer Var py As Integer Var x As Integer Var y As Integer Var r As Integer Var s As Double Var a As Double Var Ret As Long On Error Goto *Er_Trap r = Val(Edit1.GetWindowText) s = -r * pi / 180 px = Picture1.GetWidth * Cos(r * pi / 180) + Picture1.GetHeight * Sin(r * pi / 180) py = Picture1.GetHeight * Cos(r * pi / 180) + Picture1.GetWidth * Sin(r * pi / 180) Picture2.SetWindowSize px, py Picture2.Cls Var p(Picture1.GetWidth, Picture1.GetHeight) As Long For x = 0 To Picture1.GetWidth CallEvent For y = 0 To Picture1.GetHeight p(x, y) = Api_GetPixel(hDc1, x, y) Next Next a = Picture1.GetHeight * Sin(r * pi / 180) For x = -a To px CallEvent For y = 0 To py Ret = Api_SetPixel(hDc2, x + a, y, p(Int(x * Cos(s) - y * Sin(s)), Int(y * Cos(s) + x * Sin(s)))) Next Next Exit Sub *Er_Trap Resume Next End Sub '================================================================ '= '================================================================ Declare Sub MainForm_QueryClose edecl () Sub MainForm_QueryClose() Var Ret As Long Ret = Api_ReleaseDC(Picture1.GethWnd, hDc1) Ret = Api_ReleaseDC(Picture2.GethWnd, hDc2) End Sub '================================================================ '= '================================================================ While 1 WaitEvent Wend Stop End