プリンタドライバ環境ファイルパス名を取得          <TOP>

OpenPrinter プリンタオブジェクトをオープン 
EnumPrinters 使用可能なプリンタ・プリントサーバーなどを列挙 
SHInvokePrinterCommand プリンタのプロパティ取得等のコマンドを実行 
DeviceCapabilities プリンタデバイスドライバの能力を取得 
GetPrinterDriver プリンタのドライバ情報を取得 
MoveMemory メモリの指定領域をコピー 
lstrcpy 文字列をコピー 
ClosePrinter プリンタオブジェクトを閉じる 
'= プリンタドライバ環境ファイルパス名を取得
'=    (PrtDriverConfigFile.bas)
#include "Windows.bi"

    pDatatype     As Long
    pDevMode      As Long
    DesiredAccess As Long
End Type

    cVersion     As Long
    pName        As Long
    pEnvironment As Long
    pDriverPath  As Long
    pDataFile    As Long
    pConfigFile  As Long
End Type

    pDeviceName As Long
    pPortName   As Long
    Attributes  As Long
    DeviceNotSelectedTimeOut As Long
    TransmissionColorDeviceryTimeOut As Long
End Type

#define STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED &HF0000 '標準的な権利を要求することを示す定数
#define PRINTER_ACCESS_ADMINISTER &H4    'プリンタアクセス権の管理者権限を示す
#define PRINTER_ACCESS_USE &H8           'プリンタアクセス権のユーザー権限を示す
#define PRINTER_ALL_ACCESS (&HF0000 or &H4 or &H8) '

#define PRINTER_ENUM_DEFAULT &H1         'デフォルトのプリンタに関する情報を列挙
#define PRINTER_ENUM_LOCAL &H2           'Nameの設定を無視して、ローカルプリンタを列挙
#define PRINTER_ENUM_NAME &H8            'Nameで指定されたプリンタを列挙
#define PRINTER_ENUM_SHARED &H20         '共有属性を持つプリンタを列挙

' プリンタオブジェクトをオープン
Declare Function Api_OpenPrinter& Lib "winspool.drv" Alias "OpenPrinterA" (ByVal pDeviceName$, phPrinter&, pDefault As Any)

' 使用可能なプリンタ・プリントサーバーなどを列挙する
Declare Function Api_EnumPrinters& Lib "winspool.drv" Alias "EnumPrintersA" (ByVal Flags&, ByVal Name$, ByVal Level&, pPrinterEnum As Any, ByVal cbBuf&, pcbNeeded&, pcReturned&)

' プリンタのプロパティ取得等のコマンドを実行
Declare Function Api_SHInvokePrinterCommand& Lib "Shell32" Alias "SHInvokePrinterCommandA" (ByVal hWnd&, ByVal uAction&, ByVal lpBuf1$, ByVal lpBuf2$, ByVal fModal&)

' プリンタデバイスドライバの能力を取得
Declare Function Api_DeviceCapabilities& Lib "winspool.drv" Alias "DeviceCapabilitiesA" (ByVal lpDeviceName$, ByVal lpPort$, ByVal iIndex&, lpOutput As Any, lpDevMode As Any)

' プリンタのドライバ情報を取得
Declare Function Api_GetPrinterDriver& Lib "winspool.drv" Alias "GetPrinterDriverA" (ByVal hPrinter&, ByVal pEnvironment$, ByVal Level&, pDriverInfo As Any, ByVal cdBuf&, pcbNeeded&)

' メモリの指定領域をコピー
Declare Sub MoveMemory Lib "Kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Dest As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length&)

' 文字列をコピーする
Declare Function Api_lstrcpy& Lib "Kernel32" Alias "lstrcpy" (lpszString1 As Any, lpszString2 As Any)

' プリンタオブジェクトを閉じる
Declare Function Api_ClosePrinter& Lib "winspool.drv" Alias "ClosePrinter" (ByVal hPrinter&)

Var Shared Text(2) As Object
Var Shared Combo1 As Object
Var Shared Edit1 As Object
Var Shared Button1 As Object

For i = 0 To 1
    Text(i).Attach GetDlgItem("Text" & Trim$(Str$(i + 1)))
    Text(i).SetFontSize 14
Edit1.Attach GetDlgItem("Edit1") : Edit1.SetFontSize 12
Combo1.Attach GetDlgItem("Combo1") : Combo1.SetFontSize 14
Button1.Attach GetDlgItem("Button1") : Button1.SetFontSize 14

Var Shared DeviceName As String

Declare Sub MainForm_Start edecl ()
Sub MainForm_Start()
    Var PrintServer As String
    Var Needed As Long
    Var Returned As Long
    Var Level As Long
    Var CT As Long
    Var ColorDevice As Long

    PrintServer = ""

    Level = 5

    ColorDevice = Api_EnumPrinters(PRINTER_ENUM_NAME, PrintServer, Level, Chr$(0), 0, Needed, Returned)
    If Needed = 0 Then End

    Var Buffer(Needed - 1) As byte
    ColorDevice = Api_EnumPrinters(PRINTER_ENUM_NAME, PrintServer, Level, Buffer(0), Needed, Needed, Returned)

    Var PI_5(Returned - 1) As PRINTER_INFO_5

    For CT = 0 To Returned - 1
        MoveMemory PI_5(CT), Buffer(CT * Len(PI_5(CT))), Len(PI_5(CT))

        DeviceName = String$(MAX_DEVICENAME, Chr$(0))
        MoveMemory DeviceName, ByVal PI_5(CT).pDeviceName, Len(DeviceName)
        DeviceName = KLeft$(DeviceName, KInStr(1, DeviceName, Chr$(0)) - 1)

        Combo1.AddString DeviceName
End Sub

Declare Sub Button1_on edecl ()
Sub Button1_on()
    Var hPrinter As Long
    Var Level As Long
    Var Needed As Long
    Var di2 As DRIVER_INFO_2
    Var ConfigFile As String * 516
    Var Ret As Long

    DeviceName = Combo1.GetWindowText
    If DeviceName = "" Then
        A% = MessageBox(GetWindowtext, "プリンタ名を指定してください!", 0, 2)
        Exit Sub
    End If

    pd.DesiredAccess = PRINTER_ALL_ACCESS

    Ret = Api_OpenPrinter(DeviceName, hPrinter, pd)

    Level = 2

    Ret = Api_GetPrinterDriver(hPrinter, ByVal 0, Level, ByVal 0, 0, Needed)

    Var Buffer(Needed - 1)

    Ret = Api_GetPrinterDriver(hPrinter, ByVal 0, Level, Buffer(0), Needed, Needed)

    MoveMemory di2, Buffer(0), Len(di2)

    Ret = Api_lstrcpy(ConfigFile, ByVal di2.pConfigFile)

    Edit1.SetWindowText Left$(ConfigFile, InStr(ConfigFile, Chr$(0)) - 1)

    Ret = Api_ClosePrinter(hPrinter)
End Sub

Declare Sub Combo1_Click edecl ()
Sub Combo1_Click()
    Edit1.SetWindowText ""
End Sub

While 1