ディレクトリ・ファイルを列挙 <TOP>
FindFirstFile 指定したファイル名に一致するファイルやディレクトリを検索
FindNextFile FindFirstFile()関数で検出したファイルの次を検出
GetFileAttributes 指定されたファイルまたはディレクトリの属性を取得
'================================================================ '= ディレクトリ・ファイルを列挙 '= (FindFirstFile5.bas) '================================================================ #include "Windows.bi" #define MAX_PATH 260 #define API_FALSE 0 #define INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE -1 '見つからない場合 #define ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES 18 'これ以上ファイルは無い #define vbDirectory 16 'フォルダ Type FILETIME dwLowDateTime As Long dwHighDateTime As Long End Type Type WIN32_FIND_DATA dwFileAttributes As Long ftCreationTime As FILETIME ftLastAccessTime As FILETIME ftLastWriteTime As FILETIME nFileSizeHigh As Long nFileSizeLow As Long dwReserved0 As Long dwReserved1 As Long cFileName As String * MAX_PATH cAlternate As String * 14 End Type ' 指定したファイル名に一致するファイルやディレクトリを検索 Declare Function Api_FindFirstFile& Lib "Kernel32" Alias "FindFirstFileA" (ByVal lpFileName$, lpFindFileData As WIN32_FIND_DATA) ' FindFirstFile()関数で検出したファイルの次を検出 Declare Function Api_FindNextFile& Lib "Kernel32" Alias "FindNextFileA" (ByVal hFindFile&, lpFindFileData As WIN32_FIND_DATA) ' ファイル検索ハンドルをクローズ Declare Function Api_FindClose& Lib "Kernel32" Alias "FindClose" (ByVal hFindFile&) ' 指定されたファイルまたはディレクトリの属性を取得 Declare Function Api_GetFileAttributes& Lib "Kernel32" Alias "GetFileAttributesA" (ByVal lpFileName$) Var Shared Edit1 As Object Var Shared List1 As Object Var Shared Button1 As Object Edit1.Attach GetDlgItem("Edit1") : Edit1.SetFontSize 14 List1.Attach GetDlgItem("List1") : List1.SetFontSize 14 List1.SetWindowSize 252, 132 Button1.Attach GetDlgItem("Button1") : Button1.SetFontSize 14 '================================================================ '= '================================================================ Declare Function StripNulls(sText As String) As String Function StripNulls(sText As String) As String Var nPos As Long StripNulls = sText nPos = InStr(sText, Chr$(0)) If nPos Then StripNulls = Left$(sText, nPos - 1) If Len(sText) Then If Left$(sText, 1) = Chr$(0) Then StripNulls = "" End If End If End Function '================================================================ '= '================================================================ Declare Function FileExists(sFileName As String) As Integer Function FileExists(sFileName As String) As Integer Var hFile As Long Var wfd As WIN32_FIND_DATA Var Ret As Long sFileName = Trim$(sFileName) hFile = Api_FindFirstFile(sFileName, wfd) If (hFile <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) And (hFile <> ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES) Then FileExists = True Else If Api_GetFileAttributes(sFileName) <> (-1) Then FileExists = True End If Ret = Api_FindClose(hFile) End Function '================================================================ '= '================================================================ Declare Sub FindFiles(sPath As String) Sub FindFiles(sPath As String) Var wfd As WIN32_FIND_DATA Var hFileSearch As Long Var sFileName As String Var Ret As Long If FileExists(sPath) Then If Right$(sPath, 1) <> "\" Then sPath = sPath & "\" hFileSearch = Api_FindFirstFile(sPath & "*.*", wfd) If hFileSearch <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE Then Do sFileName = StripNulls(wfd.cFileName) If wfd.dwFileAttributes And vbDirectory Then List1.AddString sFileName & " (Dir)" Else List1.AddString sFileName End If If Api_FindNextFile(hFileSearch, wfd) = API_FALSE Then Ret = Api_FindClose(hFileSearch) Exit Do End If Loop Else List1.AddString "ファイルは見つかりません!" End If Else List1.AddString "パスは無効です!" End If End Sub '================================================================ '= '================================================================ Declare Sub MainForm_Start edecl () Sub MainForm_Start() Edit1.SetWindowText "C:\" End Sub '================================================================ '= '================================================================ Declare Sub Button1_on edecl () Sub Button1_on() List1.Resetcontent SetMousePointer 2 FindFiles Edit1.GetWindowText SetMousePointer 0 End Sub '================================================================ '= '================================================================ While 1 WaitEvent Wend Stop End