プリンタの利用できる給紙方法・最大部数取得          <TOP>


EnumPrinters 使用可能なプリンタ・プリントサーバーなどを列挙

RtlMoveMemory メモリブロックを別の領域に移動

DeviceCapabilities プリンタデバイスドライバの能力を取得






'= プリンタの利用できる給紙方法・最大部数取得
'=    (Devicecapabilities2.bas)
#include "Windows.bi"

    pPrinterName As Long
    pPortName    As Long
    Attributes   As Long
    DeviceNotSelectedTimeOut As Long
    TransmissionRetryTimeOut As Long
End Type

' 使用可能なプリンタ・プリントサーバーなどを列挙する
Declare Function Api_EnumPrinters& Lib "winspool.drv" Alias "EnumPrintersA" (ByVal Flags& , ByVal Name$ , ByVal Level& , pPrinterEnum As Any , ByVal cbBuf& , pcbNeeded& , pcReturned& )

#define PRINTER_ENUM_NAME &H8           '
#define MAX_DEVICENAME 64               '

' メモリブロックを別の領域に移動する
Declare Sub Api_MoveMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length&)

' プリンタデバイスドライバの能力を取得する関数の宣言
Declare Function Api_DeviceCapabilities& Lib "winspool.drv" Alias "DeviceCapabilitiesA" (ByVal lpDeviceName$, ByVal lpPort$, ByVal iIndex&, lpOutput As Any, lpDevMode As Any)

#define DC_ACTIVE 1                     'アクティブなときの色
#define DC_BINS 6                       'プリンタで使用できる給紙方法を取得することを示す定数の宣言
#define DC_COPIES 18                    '最大部数を取得することを示す定数の宣言
#define DC_GRADIENT &H20                'グラデーション
#define DC_ICON 4                       'アイコン付き
#define DC_INBUTTON &H10                'ボタンとして描画
#define DC_NOTACTIVE &H2                '
#define DC_SMALLCAP 2                   '幅の狭いタイプ
#define DC_TEXT 8                       'タイトルテキスト付き

' 給紙方法を示す定数の宣言
#define DMBIN_CASSETTE 14               '用紙カセット
#define DMBIN_ENVELOPE 5                '封筒フィーダ
#define DMBIN_ENVMANUAL 6               '手差し封筒フィーダ
#define DMBIN_FORMSOURCE 15             '
#define DMBIN_LARGECAPACITY 11          '
#define DMBIN_LARGEFMT 10               '大型用紙ソース
#define DMBIN_LOWER 2                   '下用紙トレイ
#define DMBIN_MANUAL 4                  '手差し用紙フィーダ
#define DMBIN_MIDDLE 3                  '中用紙トレイ
#define DMBIN_ONLYONE 1                 '単一用紙ソース
#define DMBIN_SMALLFMT 9                '小型用紙ソース
#define DMBIN_TRACTOR 8                 'トラクタフィーダ
#define DMBIN_UPPER 1                   '上用紙フィーダ
#define DMBIN_USER 256                  'ユーザ定義

Var Shared List1 As Object
Var Shared Combo1 As Object
Var Shared Text(7) As Object

Combo1.Attach GetDlgItem("Combo1") : Combo1.SetFontSize 14
List1.Attach GetDlgItem("List1") : List1.SetFontSize 14
For i = 0 To 7
    Text(i).Attach GetDlgItem("Text" & Trim$(Str$(i + 1)))
    Text(i).SetFontSize 14
Next i

Var Shared PrinterName As String
Var Shared PortName As String

Declare Sub Mainform_Start edecl ()
Sub Mainform_Start()
    Var PrintServer As String
    Var Need As Long
    Var Returned As Long
    Var Level As Long
    Var CT As Long
    Var Ret As Long

    PrintServer = ""

    Level = 5

    Ret = Api_EnumPrinters(PRINTER_ENUM_NAME, PrintServer, Level, Chr$(0), 0, Need, Returned)
    If Need = 0 Then End

    Var Buffer(Need - 1) As byte
    Ret = Api_EnumPrinters(PRINTER_ENUM_NAME, PrintServer, Level, Buffer(0), Need, Need, Returned)

    Var PI_5(Returned-1) As PRINTER_INFO_5

    For CT = 0 To Returned - 1

        Api_MoveMemory PI_5(CT), Buffer(CT * Len(PI_5(CT))), Len(PI_5(CT))

        PrinterName = String$(MAX_DEVICENAME, Chr$(0))
        Api_MoveMemory PrinterName, ByVal PI_5(CT).pPrinterName, Len(PrinterName)
        PrinterName = kLeft$(PrinterName, KInStr(1, PrinterName, Chr$(0)) - 1)

        PortName = String$(MAX_DEVICENAME, Chr$(0))
        Api_MoveMemory PortName , ByVal PI_5( CT ).pPortName, Len( PortName )
        PortName = kLeft$(PortName, KInStr(1, PortName, Chr$(0)) - 1)
        Combo1.AddString Left$(PrinterName & space$(16), 16) & PortName
End Sub

Declare Sub Combo1_Change edecl ()
Sub Combo1_Change()
    PrinterName = Trim$(Left$(Combo1.GetText(Combo1.GetCursel), 16))
    PortName = Trim$(Mid$(Combo1.GetText(Combo1.GetCursel), 17))
    Text(5).SetWindowText PrinterName
    Text(6).SetWindowText PortName
End Sub

Declare Sub Button1_on edecl ()
Sub Button1_on()
    on error goto *ER_Trap

    Var DeviceCapability As Long
    Var DeviceCopies As Long
    Var Need As Long
    Var CT As Long
    Var Ret As Long


    DeviceCapability = DC_BINS

    Need = Api_DeviceCapabilities(PrinterName, PortName, DeviceCapability, ByVal 0, ByVal 0)

    Var Bins(Need - 1) As Integer

    Ret = Api_DeviceCapabilities(PrinterName, PortName, DeviceCapability, Bins(0), ByVal 0)

    For CT = 0 To Need - 1
        Select Case Bins(CT)
            Case DMBIN_UPPER
                List1.AddString "UPPER"
            Case DMBIN_ONLYONE
                List1.AddString "ONLYONE"
            Case DMBIN_LOWER
                List1.AddString "LOWER"
            Case DMBIN_MIDDLE
                List1.AddString "MIDDLE"
            Case DMBIN_MANUAL
                List1.AddString "MANUAL"
            Case DMBIN_ENVELOPE
                List1.AddString "ENVELOPE"
            Case DMBIN_ENVMANUAL
                List1.AddString "ENVMANUAL"
            Case DMBIN_AUTO
                List1.AddString "AUTO"
            Case DMBIN_TRACTOR
                List1.AddString "TRACTOR"
            Case DMBIN_SMALLFMT
                List1.AddString "SMALLFMT"
            Case DMBIN_LARGEFMT
                List1.AddString "LARGEFMT"
                List1.AddString "LARGECAPACITY"
            Case DMBIN_CASSETTE
                List1.AddString "CASSETTE"
            Case DMBIN_FORMSOURCE
                List1.AddString "FORMSOURCE"
            Case Else
                If Bins(CT) >= DMBIN_USER Then
                    List1.AddString "USER" & "(" & Str$(Bins(CT)) & ")"
                    List1.AddString "UNKNOWN" & "(" & Str$(Bins(CT)) & ")"
                End If
        End Select
    Next CT

    DeviceCapability = DC_COPIES

    Ret = Api_DeviceCapabilities(PrinterName, PortName, DeviceCapability, ByVal 0, ByVal 0)
    Text(7).SetWindowText Str$(Ret) & "枚"
    Exit Sub

    Resume Next
End Sub

While 1